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Social media revolution
22 novembre 2013

10 amazing facts about Social Media

10 amazing facts about Social Media
It's always good to know what's up in the expanding and wonderful world of social media. Especially if you run or want to run an industry later in your life. So here are a few facts you'd never have thought were true about social networks...
15 novembre 2013

Keep calm and trust Wikipedia

Keep calm and trust Wikipedia
Wikipedia is the most famous example of crowdsourcing. Born in 2001 Wikipedia is now THE encyclopedia of internet. The principle of Wikipedia is to publish yours knowledge about a theme on this website and by this way help people who are searching information...
29 septembre 2013

How and why can you make everything possible on the Internet ?

We've all already heard a story of a guy that didn't get a job because of bad search results on Google, Yahoo or whatever. Some brand new companies even try to flood the research websites with positive arguments on you to help you get a job, or enter...
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