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Social media revolution
30 septembre 2013

Digital shadows stab us in the back. How can we avoid this?

We are all spending time on social networks, perfecting our profile. We deliver a lot of information to the internet. It creates a digital shadow. We often don’t care about it but it can be very bad for your professional life. On an article, entitled...
29 septembre 2013

How and why can you make everything possible on the Internet ?

We've all already heard a story of a guy that didn't get a job because of bad search results on Google, Yahoo or whatever. Some brand new companies even try to flood the research websites with positive arguments on you to help you get a job, or enter...
23 septembre 2013

Why we can't live without Facebook ?

Why we can't live without Facebook ?
With millions users, Facebook is the most important social network nowadays. Indeed, it is a good way for people to keep in touch with their friends, share their interests or even organize events. It is true that once you created your account, it's hard...
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